Fraud Fighter
Fraud Fighter
Read this and Google "Sanet Grieve Botha" - “My life is almost over and now in these closing days – someone I trusted, Dr DS Grieve and his wife Sanet Grieve Botha have stolen all my money….”. “Dr DS Grieve and his wife Sanet Grieve Botha, came into the retirement village with the purpose of catching me, and even right into my small retirement unit and promised me that my money was safe, they promised to look after me, they promised me together that I would be able to count on this income in my final days. Today I am almost destitute, even reduced to eating low cost budget pet food. The journalist from the newspaper cried when she came to see me. But I have been let down, let down by Dr DS Grieve, let down by the liquidator Mr Dewald Breytenbach, let down by the courts, let down by the people from HPCSA (Health Professionals Council of SA) Mr Charles Lamola and Mr Cliff Nkuna, let down by the newspaper reporter Monica Laganparsad from the Sunday Times who promised to expos
Tue, 21 Jul 2015 07:42:03 -0500

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