He is amazing!!!!!
Wed, 11 Sep 2013 09:11:29 -0500
David Michael Baker
David Michael Baker
I come to the conclusion I LOVE JUSTIN BEIBER.....
Wed, 29 May 2013 20:40:25 -0500
Key Says Blue
Key Says Blue
I don't like Justin Beiber, he is just terrible.
Sat, 18 May 2013 18:17:27 -0500
Shawna Sittmann
Shawna Sittmann
I'm like Justin Beiber, I'm so popular but everyone hates me.
Sat, 18 May 2013 18:16:45 -0500
Nijia Vaughn
Nijia Vaughn
Okay this is my opinion upon the Justin Beiber kid act. Unlike the kids I never cared much for him as an artists I just didn't. When he came out it was during the time we MJ fans and we people who are fans of real pop music felt like we lost another Legend. Like we felt like OMG MJ died smh that's it pop music died. To me saying this isn't an insult to anybody because MJ was that artist that kept people on their feet at all times, he brought something new to the table.His catalog of music is incredible,so right after he died the media just been on this kid ever since. Hollywood think they are slick because Justin himself actually thinks he's the next MJ. I tried giving this kid a chance when he performed at the vmas and he tried to take off his shades in slow motion just to get a rise out of the audience (crickets). I said to myself MJ did that and the crowd wasn't dead it was hype when MJ did that that crowd roar went higher and higher.All I'm saying is Hollywood can try all they wan
Sat, 18 May 2013 08:13:13 -0500

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